Carrying out thorough research on any company that you are considering selling your house to is a must – if you don’t then you could find yourself the next victim of one of the dozens of companies that are looking to take you for a ride with their underhand tactics. Two of the most common practices of these companies are;
The bait and switch – Companies using this tactic will entice you in with an appealing cash offer, which they have no intention of every paying. They will then sign you in to an exclusivity agreement and try to sell your property to an open market buyer in the background at full price. If they manage to sell it before the agreement runs out they pocket the difference, if they don’t you are back to square one. It’s a lose lose for you as a seller, you either have paid tens of thousands of pounds for a service that an estate agent could have delivered at a fraction of the cost or you have to start back at square one, no closer to selling your house.
The last minute offer reduction – Again companies using this tactic will make you an attractive offer and get you to sign a contract meaning that you can’t pull out of the sale without having to pay them excessive ‘abortive costs’ which usually total thousands of pounds. They will then string you along until the very last second, usually on the day the sale is going to complete, you will then get a phone call from the company with some excuse as to why they can proceed with the sale but only at a greatly reduced price. You are left with a choice of either accepting tens of thousands less or starting again, circumstances force most to take the first option.
Fortunately companies that use these tactics leave some tell tale clues that, if you know what to look for, will help you avoid them like the plague and find a company that you can trust to deliver on the fast, certain cash sale that you need. You can find all of the information that you will need in our detailed ‘step by step guide to finding a legitimate house buying company‘ which outlines a simple step by step process that you can follow to vet any company before speaking to them and falling into any of their traps.
You can get the guide by entering your email address below.