Resolving neighbour disputes
The first step in resolving a dispute with your neighbours is to try and talk to them. This kind of friendly, informal approach can go a long way, and it avoids inflaming the situation by involving the authorities or taking legal steps. Most people are reasonable human beings, and you may find that this is enough to at least tone down the situation, even if it doesn’t solve it completely. Better still, you don’t have to report a friendly chat with your neighbour on your TA6.
If you can’t resolve things amicably between you, then you will need to step things up a gear and get outside help. The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors offers a three stage Neighbour Dispute Service that offers mediation on practical issues such as boundaries. This is not cheap, with expert evaluation costing £2,400 + VAT, mediation adding £550 + VAT and mediation and expert witness in court adding £1,100 +VAT. However, if it finds a lasting solution and you’re no longer selling a house with problem neighbours, then it’s worth every penny. You can probably split the cost with your neighbour if you both want the matter resolved once and for all.
For problems with noise and nuisance, you can involve the police or the local council. Sometimes this works, with your neighbour heeding their warnings, but it can also make things worse. Sending a solicitors’ letter is much the same. Some people will be afraid of legal action and will change their ways, while others will just dig their heels in and be even more annoying. If you send a solicitors’ letter, you need to be prepared to follow through with the threatened legal action. Failure to do so will just empower your problem neighbours even more.
Unfortunately, while the TA6 form should help you avoid moving in next to problem neighbours, it won’t stop them moving in next to you after you’ve bought your home. And when it comes to moving out, selling a house with problem neighbours can be a real challenge, especially if you’ve tried to solve the problem through formal routes.
Cash house buyers don’t care if your neighbours are Scott and Charlene or the Osbournes, they will buy any house in any condition, next to any neighbours. So if you’re selling a house with problem neighbours, find out more about how cash house buyers work, see how much a cash buyer will pay for your home, and read who the Guru thinks are the best cash house buyers, by taking a look around our site today. It could be your best way to say g’day to your neighbours and walk away.