How much do cash house buyers actually pay?

To understand the cash house buying market, and to avoid being taken for a ride, you need to look very carefully at the question above.

You’ll notice I don’t ask ‘how much will a cash house buyer offer’ but ‘how much do cash buyers actually pay’. You might think that this is the same thing, but sadly, all too often, the amount of money a cash buyer will offer for your home, and the actual payment that reaches your bank account when the sale completes, are two entirely different figures.

So how much can cash house buyers pay for your home? What is a reasonable offer? And why should you be wary of offers that seem too good to be true?

In this article, the Guru will guide you through the cash house buying process and explain how it works – or at least how it should work if you have your wits about you. When you see the costs involved in buying a home for cash, you’ll understand why those high offers are actually just pie in the sky offers.

how much do cash buyers actually pay