Cash House Buyer Scams

Shady Practices Used By Disreputable Quick Sale Companies

The cash house buying or quick house sale market has in the past earned itself a reputation for using questionable underhand and sometimes even borderline illegal business practices which led to an office of fair trading report and subsequent investigation into the sector in July 2013.

This investigation found that many, but not all, of the companies claiming to buy your house for cash were using tactics that were not deemed necessary or appropriate.

Since the investigation some effort has gone into cleaning up the industry. The National Association of Property Buyers (or NAPB) was formed in 2014 in an attempt to self-regulate the industry.

Outlined below are some of the most common “shady” practices and underhand tactics used by companies that should be avoided if you are looking for a fast, stress free house sale.

Despite this there are some practices that still continue to be used by “we buy any house” companies to this day. Even those companies that are members of the NAPB and are signed up to the best practice guidelines. These are some of the most common cash house buyer scams.
